The free trial version of AppGini has the following features:
- Automatic generation of PHP code to manage data of MySQL databases.
- The very intuitive graphical interface of AppGini allows you to create
powerful web database applications in a very short time without having to write
one line of code.
- Support for foreign key constraints and the automatic creation of parent menus.
- Automatic creation of setup scripts to create the database and its tables.
- Automatic generation of code to display and browse data content of tables, with the ability to edit, delete and add records
- The generated code allows users to sort data by any field ascendingly or descendingly.
- The generated code allows users to filter data by any field with as much as ten criteria and support
for wild card searches (% and _).
- The appearance of the generated application can be customized through CSS styles.
- You have control over what users can do with each table by allowing or prohibiting data editing, deletion and/or addition.
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